
From Paw Borough Wiki
The symbol for Luna
Associated Colors Pale blue and silver
Ideals History, literature, wisdom, and spirituality
Related Breeds Longhair

The Luna Borough is one of seven Boroughs. They are heavily linked to spirituality and literature.

The Luna breeds are the domestic Longhair and the mystic Moontail. At least one more breed will be linked to this Borough due to the aforementioned breeds being Kickstarter exclusive. Any cats born under this borough have blue or grey eyes.



The Luna territory is south of the Sol Borough, in the northern taiga areas of Mewmoia. The territory is a shaded pine forest, and much of the flora has developed bioluminescence in the absence of sunlight.


The catfolk of Luna value research and study. They have cataloged, among other things, the history of catkind. The Borough is known for its large libraries, although it is also known for being isolationist. Despite this, Luna has a large influence on the worldwide culture. Luna cats are known for being secretive and tricky. Some believe them to be cold-hearted or emotionless. Luna cats rarely pass up an opportunity to laugh, but this includes at the expensive of others.

The Luna Borough worships the stars and moon, with the latter being the mother of life. The moon is worshiped through dances, ceremonies, tapestries, and silk and silver dress. Holidays are somber and commemorate the souls of the deceased.


Luna and Sol are the oldest Boroughs and have the most power, but they have been faltering to the growing Metropolis. Other Boroughs simply disagree with the Luna Borough's isolationist tendencies.
