Site History

From Paw Borough Wiki
Revision as of 17:28, 20 March 2025 by BC (talk | contribs) (→‎2025)
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The Site History page documents changes made on the website, such as the addition or subtraction of items, implementation of mechanics, and other tweaks.

For a list of development updates, see Development Updates.




  • April 11: The Longhair breed and accent genes Lollipop and Cheeks were added to the demo.
  • September 2: Alpha testing went live.
  • October 17: The Moontail breed and accent gene claws were added to the demo.
  • October 21: Alpha testing concluded.


  • February 3: Early access beta testing went live.
  • February 6: Beta testing opened to those with beta keys.
  • March 20: First beta wipe occurred.