Development Updates

From Paw Borough Wiki
Revision as of 19:52, 16 June 2023 by Imiya (talk | contribs) (8 revisions imported)

This Site History page aims to document changes to the main Paw Borough website and updates to the game, as well as relevant meta history to the site.




  • 5: The Kickstarter went live and hit its goal within the first twelve hours of the campaign.
  • 13: The world page featuring a lore overview of each of the seven Boroughs went live.
  • 16: A teaser for five new colors and their palettes to be introduced at launch was shown. Those colors are Sheep, Raisin, Possum, Thunder, and Apple.



  • 5: The additional Colors that will be available at launch were announced. The full lineart for the Prancer breed was shown. An investor in the game enabled the team to work on a mobile application.




  • 3: The deadline for additional add-ons to be purchased by Kickstarter backers. Emails had to be sent to the Paw Borough team by February 2nd, 11:59 PM EST to be able to purchase add-ons.
  • 5: Assets for the game were shown.
    • The breed Wolf was revealed, with the breed itself said to be coming sometime after launch
    • Updated art for the Bovine Kits was shown
    • Sketches for the Fyret final poses were shown


  • 8: Assets for the game were shown alongside a preview of the Guild system.
    • Final lineart for the Fyret was shown
    • The Shorthair and Ragdoll had updated art to improve general quality


  • 6: Assets for the game were shown as well as a more thorough explanation of the game attached to the Guild system.
    • The Snowfoot had updated art to improve quality
    • Example UI for the Guild


  • 10: Assets, UI designs for various site features, and a new direction for genes were revealed.
    • The Tiger gene was updated to reflect the new direction for genes.


  • 8: Lots of stuff!
    • Six Companions were revealed, 3 of which being Kickstarter backer-designed
    • Updated art for the Bovine
    • Some new icons and tooltip UI
    • The Cardinal gene was shown with the new art direction
    • White Coverage was revealed as a mechanic
    • The Prowler is replacing the Snowfoot as a starter breed