
From Paw Borough Wiki
Revision as of 12:38, 6 April 2023 by en>TeaLeaf (→‎Moves)

Note: This information is preliminary and based off of the Kickstarter breakdown as well as supplementary messages sent in the official Discord. This article is subject to change as more details are released about the mechanic. Information not from the initial Kickstarter update will be sourced with a Discord Message link.

UI Preview of Guilds

The Guild is a feature modeled after tabletop role-play and mystery dungeon games. Users may create their own guilds or register in another User's.


Users may have guilds with a minimum of one member up to a maximum of fifty members.

Each guild has its own private forum and customizable logo and backdrops.

Jobs & Missions

Cats around Mewmoia will request for specific tasks to be completed, such as being escorted to a dangerous location or for a specific item to be located. These postings are referred to as jobs.

When a guild member attempts to complete one of these jobs, they will embark on a mission. Each mission will have 25 events which prompt the cats in one's party to engage in combat, attempt to obtain an item, or escape peril. Based on each cats class and stats, each event will have a failure or success.


Combat takes into account what environment the cat or enemy is in. Different sorts of tiles (such as water or ledge tiles) can provide an advantage or disadvantage.

Enemies to defeat in combat are generated NPCs (non-playable cats).


Between events in the mission, the cats in one's party will be given opportunities to converse with the client and learn about the character or the world of Mewmoia. Pleasing a client in discussions will result in a more fruitful reward.


Upon the completion of a job, the guild will gain experience and a to-be-named guild currency.


Cats can be assigned skills, attributes, and a class. Cats will level up as they perform activities and earn experience. The party used in a mission is composed of these cats.


Cats have a base number of stats between 0 and 130. These stat points are distributed among different attributes that will determine how well the cat performs in different activites. These attributes are Strength, Sense, Smarts, Speed, Savvy, and Stamina. These attributes will determine which class is best to assign a cat and can have points added to them upon leveling up. There are also Fortune and Doom attributes, which do not effect by any particular class and cannot have additional stat points added later.

There is a maximum of 30 stat points that can be put towards any particular attribute. The amount of stat points put towards any attribute dictates how many dice rolls are given to that attribute with a maximum of seven rolls per attribute. The distribution of rolls is as follows:

  • 1 Roll: 0-4 Points
  • 2 Rolls: 5-9 Points
  • 3 Rolls: 10-14 Points
  • 4 Rolls: 15-19 Points
  • 5 Rolls: 20-24 Points
  • 6 Rolls: 25-29 Points
  • 7 Rolls: 30 Points

Some chances are guaranteed if a cat is particularly skilled at an attribute, while others may be an automatic fail if the cat lacks skill.


There are five different types of moves that can be given to a cat.

Range Damage

These moves will deal damage to enemies a certain distance away. This move looks at a cat's Sense. This move can hit diagonally. The target can roll for Speed to see if it can be dodged.

List of Range Moves

  • Longbow - From Level 1 Ranger
  • Hiss - From Level 1 Medic
  • Dagger - From Level 1 Thief
  • Shout - From Level 1 Bard

Melee Damage

These moves will deal damage to nearby enemies. This move looks at a cat's Strength. This move cannot hit diagonally. The target can roll for Speed to see if it can be dodged.

List of Melee Moves

  • Strike - From Level 1 Warrior
  • Bite - From Level 1 Medic
  • Slash - From Level 1 Thief
  • Taunt - From Level 1 Bard

Stat Buff

These moves temporarily increase the die total of a cat's attributes. This move can be stackable.

List of Stat Moves

  • Warrior's Spirit - From Level 1 Warrior, adds +1 Critical Success die to Strength
  • Ranger's Spirit - From Level 1 Ranger, adds +1 Critical Success die to Sense
  • Medic's Spirit - From Level 1 Medic, adds +1 Critical Success die to Smarts
  • Bard's Spirit - From Level 1 Bard, adds +1 die to all stats on any particular target. Cannot be used on onself.

Dodge Buff

These moves temporarily increase the ability of that cat to dodge by buffing its Speed stat with additional rolls.

List of Dodge Moves

  • Shield - From Level 1 Warrior
  • Dodge - From Level 1 Ranger
  • Hide - From Level 1 Thief
  • Protection - From Level 1 Bard


These moves restore health points to a cat. These moves are associated with the Smarts attribute. This move can hit diagonally.

List of Healing Moves

  • Bandage - From Level 1 Warrior, Ranger, Thief, applied to oneself
  • First Aid - From Level 1 Medic, can be applied to target within one tile or oneself


There are five different classes a cat can be assigned, each with three different subclasses that reward a cat with an exclusive move to use in combat. A subclass can be selected once a cat reaches level 2. At level one, picking any particular class will weigh the specialist attribute more favorably, giving it one critical successes roll, while giving the weakness attribute three critical failure rolls (or, in the case of less than three rolls available, simply replacing up to three of the available rolls with critical failures). These critical successes and failures will shrink or grow depending on the cats level, eventually resulting in just one critical failure in a weak attribute and three critical failures in a strong attribute.


Bards specialize in Savvy. The weakness of a bard is their Smarts, and as such, they lack a healing move.


Thieves specialize in Speed, but have a weakness in Savvy.


Rangers specialize in Sense, but have a weakness in Strength.


Medics specialize in Smarts, but have a weakness in Speed.


Warriors specialize in Strength but have a weakness in Sense.

The Warrior of the Fang subclass will reward the cat with the Fangs move. The Warrior of the Claws subclass will reward the cat with the Claws move. The Warrior of the Body class will reward the cat with the Bodyguard move.<ref></ref>

Leveling Up

After each level, a cat is given 10 stat points which can be distributed among their main six attributes, as long as no attribute goes over the 30 stat point limit. This is the only time stat points can be put towards any particular attribute rather than being distributed randomly.


Currency earned from completing jobs can be put towards guild-exclusive items. These items will be unlocked for sale by leveling up the guild.
