
From Paw Borough Wiki

List of Outdated Colors

This list includes the old "wheel" system. This list was never actually implemented into a playable version of the game, but some colors are from this system.

# Name Base Color Hex Code A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
36 Pistachio #8FD59B
61 Autumn #F5A848
65 Tamarin #FFAF32
71 Mango #F8BA56
84 Goldfish #F38322
89 Poppy #C1482B
90 Ladybug #AF4A34
93 Bramble #59372D
95 Ginger #D97245
96 Daybreak #FA753D
97 Birdseed #C8621F
98 Flame #AD5935
104 Salmon #FF8E6A
105 Hornet #ED6F46
106 Deer #D25D47
113 Cherry #D63449
120 Catmint #F1CAFF
125 Heather #CCC4EB
140 Sheep #FCFAF1
141 Penguin #F8F2EA
144 Possum #CFCCD5